My name is Zoë Clarke, a recent Interactive Media graduate and I am currently employed as a Social Media Manager at Alf and Roe vintage store. The past 4 years at Ulster University has taught me fundamental skills within Media. My favourite aspect of the course was graphic design and being inspired by some of the best designers in the world. I was very fortunate to win a business scholarship to America in my third year of placement. This was an amazing opportunity for me to learn about business and cultural awareness.

Major Project: Eliminate – The Dating Podcast
The aim of this project was to explore how online dating has changed the way individuals find love and its impact on society. The findings ultimately inspired the thought process to create an engaging online project that focuses on the different impacts of online dating. The goal was to produce an online dating podcast called Eliminate which involved discussions with special guests surrounding various topics based on relationships and online dating. The podcast was marketed on social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to highlight the topics raised in the findings of the methodology.
Subscribe at Apple Podcasts or Spotify or search Eliminate on Apple & Spotify!