Major project: Day 7
I recognised over the pandemic; many Christian organisations and Churches struggled to produce online content. I volunteered with many charities and Churches to help them produce online content for their media platforms. It was clear to see a growing need for online media content as organisations recognised the benefit of being online. The focus was not to gain popularity but rather to improve connections with people. This inspired me to create a social media toolkit, designed to help Christian organisations make the most of their digital content. It will show the importance of having an online presence and how it can be used to increase engagement with an audience. The project is named Day7. The name is inspired by the creation story recorded in Genesis. It was on the 7th day that God rested. Day7 is designed to be creatively inspiring and to make the creative process restful. Jean Baudrillard says, “We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning”. I want Day 7 to challenge this by contributing meaningful content in the world. For me, the story of the Bible reveals the true value of people. It teaches how life has meaning, purpose and how we are loved. It is a message I believe needs to be shared more and one I want to help communicate.